Top 4 Metal Roof Painting Mistakes You Should Always Avoid

When it comes to painting metal roof, there are a lot of factors to consider. Metal roof painting isn’t a job of a layman and involves top-notch detailing, industry-compliant tools and specialised supplies which can be organised only by professional painters. Unfortunately, most homeowners consider metal roof painting to be DIY job and that’s when they make the biggest blunder. Little do they have knowledge about the advanced painting techniques, type of paint used etc and end up making costly blunders to their property.

To avoid any such adverse consequences to your property, here’s what you need to avoid.

1. Not Pressure Cleaning the Roof Surface

A common mistake people make is painting over dirty roof surface. No matter how much your splurge on buying high-quality paints, it won’t adhere to walls if it contains dirt or debris. The first and foremost thing you should do before painting metal roof is deep clean the surface using a high-quality pressure washer. Pressure cleaning can remove hard stains, sticky dirt, debris, stains and even loose paint and will make your walls perfectly paint-ready!

2. Overlooking Rust Build Up

Rust is visible results of climatic changes and is common on roof surfaces. Painting over rust can wreck havoc on the structural integrity of your property if not treated before time. Stripping off old paint by experts offering roof painting service in Perth often expose layers of rust patches and therefore, it’s extremely important to remove rust layers before applying metal paint.

3. Not Preparing Roof Walls Before Painting

Metal roof painting is overwhelming to most homeowners but they lack knowledge and skill-set to execute the task properly unlike professional roof painters in Perth. Excitement takes them to a level where they overlook checking for cracks, dents or hidden flaws on surface walls and apply fresh coats of paint without sanding and priming the areas. Needless to say, new paint coats applied on structural imperfections fetches high chances of peeling paint, chipping, blisters in paint before the expected time.

4. Applying Regular House Paints

Not all paints are meant to be applied on metal roof surface. The market is flooded with plenty of options but you need to choose one that suits your metal roof surface and can protect it from adverse climatic changes, rust, pest infestations, moisture, leakage etc. The sad part is, majority of people consider applying regular house paints on metal roofs and fail to reap the benefits offered by all-weather proof paint solutions.

Being aware of these common roof painting mistakes can help you get a flawless job done without any structural damage. Share this post with your friends and families and leave your comments.


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